潮城&网境——CJ Zhang个展:


潮城&网境·CJ Zhang个展

Internet City ·CJ Zhang personal exhibition



Academic chair:Lu Rongzhi


Curator: Su Mang

出品人:鲍 禹 / 王海英

Producer:Brenda /  Wang Haiying

策展助理:刘梦凡   李艺文

Curatorial Assistant :Liu Mengfan  Yiwen Li

主办单位:共同艺术中心 / 第零空间

Co-organizer: Common Art Center / Zero space

协办单位:潮研社 / 潮尚文化

Assisting:Radiancelab /  Radiance fashion entertainmen 




在艺术家CJ Zhang的精神世界中,他不再将具象的事物抽象化,而是将抽象的虚拟存在具象化,给予无形的信息世界有形的媒介。在他与世界连通的这个精神王国里,异次元的信息流动以物像的形式被构建出来。当一切隐秘的精神碎片都联网显示,信息对我们而言就不单只是数据,物质和精神世界的连接有了最直观的证据,个性和喜好可以被分析,选择和愿望可以被预测,触点的联结不是单向的而是双向甚至多项的,不光是我们在剖析世界,我们也在被世界深度剖析。




 CJ Zhang虽然毕业于中央美院版画系,但10年来在艺术商业化和独立艺术家之间以一种超乎常人对图形、图像的敏锐性,以及感性童真的触点网络思维作为关联在双重身份中自由切换,他无论在什么样的生存环境下,都可以超脱现实,随意转化的方式进入自己的精神世界里,建立起独立的CJ王国,将把潮文化,青年文化,城市文化连接起来,超越与重构,颠覆与交织。用网络化的艺术手法,塑造了自己独特的艺术风格。


Internet city

Text /Su Mang

In the spiritual world of artist CJ, he no longer abstracts the concrete things, but the abstract virtual existence, giving tangible media to the intangible information world. In the spiritual kingdom connected with the world, the information flow of different dimensions is constructed in the form of object images When all hidden fragments of the spirit is connected to the Internet.


according to the information for us is not only data, material and spiritual connection with the most visible evidence of the world, personality and preferences can be analysis, choice and desires can be predicted, the contact link instead of one-way two-way even more, we are not the only ones in the anatomy of the world, we are also in the world the depth profiling.


Artist as an integrated product of information age, both have a high degree of subjective consciousness, and all sorts of tumultuous tide flush time before this is a folding Beijing, tall buildings, with a busy crowd their traveling, living in the big city has two of the world, the half free and half a unified ideology of art in the inevitable result under globalization era, rolled in a huge wave force countless lonely yong waves, they link to each other, support and help from climbing; After surging, blooming and breaking, it is swallowed and destroyed by the huge sea, which gathers new strength and inspires the people under the tide to have the ability to construct their own spiritual world freely.


Although he graduated from the central academy of fine print system, but 10 years between artistic commercialization and independent artists in an extraordinary sharpness of image thinking and perceptual tong zhen contact network as associated switch freely in the double identity, he no matter under what kind of living environment, can be escapist, random transformation way into his spirit world and build an independent kingdom of CJ, will turn the tide culture, youth culture, urban culture and beyond and reconstruction, subversion and mixed with the art of network technique, created their own unique style of art.


CJ Zhang的潮密码

文 / 陆蓉之

什麽是潮艺术?指的是一般在英语裡称为“URBAN ART”的用语,在中文裡很难有对应的语词,目前比较流通的是“潮流艺术”。但是,为了更贴近这一波当代艺术的发展,笔者认为应该提出针对性的原创词彙,那就是“潮艺术(也是超艺术的谐音)”,英文是“URBART(URBAN ART的缩减,成为独立的新字、新义)” 。“潮艺术(URBART)”在今天,已经远远超越了它原本发生在街头巷尾的涂鸦艺术或街头艺术的形式,也不再是一种属于都市空间的艺术,它结合了社群媒体,超越了地理环境的局限,成为千禧世代锺情的创意跨界虚拟与真实的无限范畴,创意与商业的深度结合,昔日绘画、雕塑、装置、行为艺术等的各种分类,已经不合时宜、不敷使用,肆无忌惮的综合借鉴,万花筒式无限混搭,模糊的时间观的历史穿越,跨性别的交互流动适用,文化上的平等与尊重的多元主义,那种随手拈来、无所不在、无可不可的极多主义,就是21世纪的当代艺术主流发展。




 CJ Zhang就是这样的艺术家,也正是当下流行的潮流艺术的画风,因此他的画作经常被时尚界所关注,也屡次受邀参加跨界的展出。其实CJ Zhang的绘画创作,不仅仅反映了流行文化影响社会的种种表象,他更深入去挖掘当代人的内心密码,折射繁华大千世界光鲜艳丽的色彩背后,他通过自己设定的逻辑,无稿即兴绘画一线成形,以涂鸦的方式填补色彩,似相非相的感知本能像极了3-8岁的孩子观察世界的方式。他的图像元素以及色彩如繁星般缀漫画面,星点相连成银河般的画面,表达了他对当下过度消费的思考、碎片化信息年代,虚拟化的人生状态,对众人所产生的影响。


CJ Zhang  hip code

Text / Lu Rongzhi

What is hip art?It refers to the term commonly known as URBAN ART in English.In Chinese is very difficult to have the corresponding words, the more circulation is fashion ART, however, in order to be closer to the wave of the development of contemporary ART, the author think we should put forward the pertinence of the original words, that is the ART of tide (is the ART of harmonics), English is URBART (a reduction in the URBAN ART, become an independent new words, new meanings) of ART (URBART) In today,


has gone far beyond its original occurred in the streets of street art or graffiti art form, is no longer a belongs to the art of urban space, it is a combination of social media, beyond the limitations of the geographical environment and become the millennial generation loving virtual and real infinite originality of transboundary category, the depth of the creative and business combination, the old painting sculpture device performance art of all kinds of classification, such as have been misplaced The mainstream development of contemporary art in the 21st century is characterized by insufficient use, unbridled comprehensive reference, kaleidoscopic infinite mixing and matching, the historical passage of fuzzy time view, the interactive and fluid application of transgenderism, the pluralism of cultural equality and respect, and the omnipresent and indispensable pluralism.


Hipster artists are no longer technical professionals,They are participants, makers, operators and consumers who reflect the aesthetics of this era.They are the designers of the fan economy,Leaders and beneficiaries, art and Commerce blend, embezzlement and innovation are integrated. The past and future are not contradictory concepts, but the continuation of everyone's existence. All of the above illustrates the mainstream art of the 21st century: the rise and development of tide art, a new storm of fashion culture! A new storm of fashion culture!


CJ Zhang is the artist, is also the popular trend of art style, therefore his paintings are often the concern of the fashion world, also repeatedly invited to participate in cross-border exhibition in fact his painting creation, not only reflects the popular culture influence social various appearances, dig deeper within contemporary password, refraction prosperous behind shiny bright colors, which fills the world through his set of logic, no draft impromptu painting line forming, fill in the form of graffiti color, like a photograph that's instinct like 3 to 8 years old children to his way of looking at the world elements like the stars dotted and colour Like big data of the Internet, it is linked in his picture, expressing his thoughts on the current excessive consumption and exploring the impact of virtual life on us



Host: CiHai (mobile art executive editor of the common art center)

The opening speech

开幕仪式 致辞



Curator: Su Mang(Famous fashion person in China,Founder of fashion culture)



This is a new era, from the age of the Internet across the social media era, the interpersonal relationship is not only a one-way, I'm very glad to art center to launch an artist, I think in the future have very important influence, is the art of CJ China will also usher in their own time, he must have his own thinking, their construction of the art world, CJ is such artists I'm very happy to cooperate with him for his curator before I know a lot of artists, but I didn't do it I think you have some barriers in the industry. The reason why I was liberated later is that the works of artists remind me of Andy warhol, who was also discovered by the editor of bazaar in the early days. I hope that art can become fashion, but I always respect art as another fashion.



Bao yu (co-initiator and operation director of the common art center)

我们能为CJ Zhang举办人生中的第一个个展很荣幸,同时苏芒女士也是第一次做策展人,艺术的魅力就是可以形成自己独特的场,吸引一些有独到眼光的人齐聚一堂。共同艺术中心每年参加5-8个国际艺博会,发现潮艺术家的比重在逐年增大以及藏家也趋于年轻化,这类作品大家的关注度非常高。我们也一直在寻找和关注能代表中国国潮的艺术家,而CJ Zhang就是这样的艺术家。他默默的创作了十年,未曾改变风格,不被外界的任何艺术语言所干扰坚持初心,在当下信息发达的环境中是很不易的,希望我们的展览给大家带来好的印象,也对我们的艺术家持续关注,谢谢!


We can CJ Zhang held the first solo exhibition of life is a great pleasure, and ms su mans is also the first time to do the curators, the charm of art is to can form their own unique field, attracting some unique vision is gathered together art center each year to participate in the 5-8 international art fair, found the proportion of wet artists in increase year by year and collectors also tend to be younger.


this kind of work everyone's attention is very high, we also have been looking for and attention to represent the artist, the Chinese national tide CJ Zhang is such an artist He has been creating silently for ten years, never changing his style and never being disturbed by any artistic language from the outside world. It is not easy to stick to his original intention in the current environment with developed information. I hope our exhibition will give you a good impression and I will also pay close attention to our artists


何鑫(KOL潮流艺术&奢侈品集合店创始人、大都会通力文化传播机构 董事长


He xin (KOL trend art & luxury collection store founder met kone culture communication organization chairman)



This era is an era of art. From the perspective of crossover, art itself has a certain connection with commercial real estate. From the perspective of color, these works of Mr. Zhang are relatively suitable for crossover

Artist wanlin jiang  speaks

艺术家CJ Zhang发言




The exhibition is one of my ten years of work, the exhibit has several accidents, also didn't expect Sue mans elder sister can come to my exhibition planned, I think myself too much a responsibility we are living in this era is a source of my creations, the age of the Internet's very informative, many of the new object in art image will produce, for me this is the best way to a creative art is influential, is can affect many people go to the feeling, said not only at the gallery or exhibited in the museum to I hope it can give more viewers have a transmitted a strength

Network hot push




Appreciative Remarks



《WE系列》布面油画 200x300cm  2014

we series  Oil on canvas  200x300cm 2014


《好运》布面油画 150x200cm   2018

Luck  Oil on canvas  150x200cm 2018


《We系列之耀》布面油画 200x300cm 2019

we series - sparkle Oil on canvas  200x300cm 2019


《WE系列之十四 》布面丙烯 150x120cm 2018

Slide 14 of we series   Oil on canvas  150x200cm 2018


《WE系列之-独角兽》布面油画 120x150cm 2018

 WE series - unicorns Oil on canvas 120x150cm 2018


《罗辑思维》布面油画 150x200cm 2018

 Luogic Show Oil on canvas 150x200cm 2018


《WE系列之十五》布面丙烯 60x90cm 2019

Slide 15 of we series   Acrylic on canvas 60x90cm 2019


《互联网系列之-京东》布面油画 120x150cm 2018

Internet series - JDcom  Oil on canvas 120x150cm 2018


《游乐园》布面油画 60x89cm 2017

amusement park  Oil on canvas  60x89cm 2017


《We系列之十八》布面油画 150x200cm 2019

Slide 18 of we series   Oil on canvas  150x200cm 2019


《WE系列之二十二》布面丙烯  60x80cm 2019

Slide 22 of we series   Oil on canvas  60x80cm 2019


《万物生系列之二》布面油画 200x250cm  2019

The second in the series Oil on canvas  200x250cm 2019


《互联网系列之-淘宝》  布面油画  120x150cm 2018 

Internet series - taobao Oil on canvas  120x150cm 2018


《万物生系列十三》 布面丙烯 150x120cm 2019 

All living things series thirteen Oil on canvas  150x120cm 2019


《互联网时代》  布面油画  150x200cm  2018

Internet era Oil on canvas  150x120cm 2019


《WE系列之二十》  布面丙烯 120x150cm  2019 

Slide 20 of we series   propylene cloth cover  60x80cm 2019


《星愿系列之十一》布面丙烯 150x200cm 2018

Star wish series 11   propylene cloth cover 150x200cm 2018


《WE十九》布面油画 60x90cm 2018

WE19 Oil on canvas  60x90cm 2018


《We系列之十七》布面油画 50x60cm 2019

Slide 17 of we series   propylene cloth cover  60x80cm 2019

About Artist



CJ Zhang

1980年 生于吉林

2005年 吉林艺术学院毕业


2008年 成立个人艺术工作室

2014年 群展:新大陆时尚跨界艺术展(北京草场地艺术区)

2014年 跨界:受邀和《时装男士》、Philipp plein品牌跨界合作

2015年 个展:“小王子的故事”主题版画陶瓷展

2015年 跨界:受邀和W酒店跨界“星愿”主题装置展

2015年 个展:张长江个人版画展(北京艺构空间)

2015年 群展:“出界”主题展(北京官舍艺术空间)

2016年 群展:“出界”主题展(北京华贸中心艺术空间)

2016年 跨界:受邀和《VISION》杂志“VISIONLAB”艺术项目跨界合作

2018年 光源予花 融科资讯中心B1 融·空间 北京

2019年 个展 共同艺术中心 798艺术区  北京


Born in 1980 in jilin

Artist 2005, graduated from jilin art institute

In 2006, the artist studied in the advanced workshop of yanmei department of printmaking

Set up a personal art studio In 2008

New world fashion crossover art exhibition In 2014

(caochangdi art district, Beijing)

Invited 《fashion man》The artist collaborated with Philipp plein in 2014

“The story of the little prince” theme prints ceramics exhibition in 2015

Star wish theme installation exhibition In the W 

hotel in 2015

zhang changjiang solo edition exhibition  in 2015

 (Beijing art construction space)

 "out of bounds" theme exhibition in2015

 (Beijing guanshe art space)

"out of bounds" theme exhibition in 2016

 (art space of Beijing China trade center)

invited to collaborate with VISIONLAB, a VISION magazine art project in 2016

light source to b1-rong space, huarong science information center, Beijing in 2018

individual exhibition common art center 798 art zone Beijing in 2019





